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 You can not only see the cards that may make it into the final version, but also propose your own card ideas. We will re-post the best of your ideas as potential game cards. (Try to keep it clean with a hint of dark.)
What is this?
How to Play
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How will the final cards be selected?

The selection process will be a reflection of the most popular cards by social media and actual play testing to verify that the question triggers as many of the 12 emotional triggers possible.  Those cards that are offensive will be evaluated for the Bad Date Cards Poison Pill Deck.

Is the game only for dating?

No, the game is designed around normal people getting to know each other.  Whether that is on a date, some friends hanging around or 10 strangers at a party.

How many players?

You can have as few as 2 at a table or as many as you can fit in a room.  We suggest you keep it to no more than 8 people.

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Bad Date Cards - Contenders


Bad Date Cards is a party game for 2 to 8 players. You can finally misbehave like your always wanted to on a first date.

Bad Date Cards is about realizing the people you are playing with.

Help make this game a reality.  You can post your ideas for cards or order a reward from Kickstarter.


This is one of the few Kickstarter Campaigns where user input really matters.  Every day we pull the best ideas from your posts and make cards out of them.  The most creative submissions may make it to the final game.


This is a straight forward, simple card game to produce.  The card prototypes have a very good look and feel.  The printer has very good references, can keep the production schedule regardless of large volume orders and has the flexibility to change the text based on user feedback.  We want to encourage your involvement in making Bad Date Cards a reality, so you can transform those awkward silences into really special awkward moments. 


Support our project and you'll get a great game.


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